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摩卡咖啡豆看成....... - 吹水聊天室- 伊莉討論區@ 鬥陣喝咖啡 ...
Dated: 28 March,2012
Dated: 27 March,2012 結果我媽就說要買咖啡 我就看到一包叫 摩卡咖啡豆 結果我看成= =摩斯小納豆= = 伊莉的朋友有這種exp嗎? Click here to read this post at 鬥陣喝咖啡 You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to new posts at 鬥陣喝咖啡 好幾好幾好幾天前我跟我媽去家x福買東西
Click here to read this post at 鬥陣喝咖啡